How CBD and THC Differ From Each Other

CBD and THC differ, I’m sure everyone can get behind that. But the ways they differ has become of more interest to people lately. More and more people have grown curious about the benefits and advantages of using products with CBD.

However, the crucial element being disputed to make hemp legal is the psychoactive element called THC or tetrahydrocannabinol.

THC, together with cannabidiol or CBD are two natural compounds found in Cannabis plants. However, this is where their similarities end, because not only do they differ in chemical composition, but our bodies react differently to them as well.  (Read Why Hemp and Marijuana Are More Different Than You Think – insert link here)

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, a member of the Cannabis plant family. The Hemp plant generally grows taller and skinnier with thinner leaves which are mostly at the top of the branch.

On the other hand, THC is the main psychoactive compound and is extracted from the oft-shorter and bushier Marijuana plant, which have leaves that are broader and buds that are tight.

CBD and THC Differ

In terms of chemical structure, both CBD and THC have a similar molecular structure. But how the atoms are arranged creates a differing impact.

Both CBD and THC have a similar chemical makeup to our body’s own endocannabinoids, and this enables these two components to react with our receptors. This particular interaction releases neurotransmitters to our brains. Neurotransmitters impact the body’s receptiveness to pain and response to various ailments.

The psychoactive property of THC is what ultimately separates it from CBD. To make the comparison even more glaring, CBD is actually non-psychoactive. It doesn’t create or produce the sensation of being “high” that is commonly attached to THC.

THC interacts with the cannabinoid receptors by binding to them. This is what actually creates a sense of high or euphoria. On the opposite side is CBD, which doesn’t really bind with CB receptors, hence the lack of euphoric sensation.

Both CBD and THC have similar medical benefits.  They are effective pain relievers. However, many people prefer CBD because they have little to no side effects.

CBD-based products are sold either in forms of supplements, gels, gummies, oils, and extracts. They help alleviate or manage pain, inflammation, and even depression and anxiety.  

Aside from this, CBD is also better tolerated, even if you intake them in larger doses. However, THC causes palpitations, delayed muscle and neuropathic reactions, memory loss, and dryness of mouth and redness of eyeballs. These are mainly due to the compound’s psychoactive properties.

Ultimately, both compounds aren’t fatal. But higher THC doses and utilization can result in long-term negative psychiatric effects. So as with any other substance, moderate use of CBD-based products is highly recommended.

If you’re interested in learning more, you may find this website helpful.

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